Our Goals
For children
To support a child's development at their own pace.
To aide in expressing their creativity using art and play material freely, constructively, and creatively.
To foster independence – problem solving on one's own and doing things for oneself.
To delight in the preschool experience, which will ease adjustments in elementary school and social situations.
To learn to develop close relationships with adults other than their family.
To learn the limits of behavior regarding safety, health, and respect for the rights of others in a thoughtful, safe, and nurturing environment.
To extend and enrich their understanding of the world and of other cultures.
To increase their ability to handle their emotions constructively.
For parents
To share your child’s first experience away from home.
To become more thoughtfully aware of your child’s world and to understand his or her behavior with the support of our knowledge of growth & development.
To achieve a more positive approach to the child-adult relationship through professional guidance and shared experiences with other parents.
To learn techniques of working with children and develop deeper insight into human relationships through participation in the parent-education program.
To grow in understanding of the needs of the other adults and the needs of the group.
For the school
To provide the best preschool experience at the lowest possible cost.
To utilize the diverse interests and skills of all the parents.
To accept, without discrimination, families who wish to join our community that are willing to participate wholeheartedly in school discussions, presenting thoughts openly, and working toward consensus decisions.
To maintain the highest possible standards for the preschool by sharing our ideas to raise the standards of parent-participation preschools.